Nashville Officer Dismissed for OnlyFans Video Incident
A Metro Nashville Police officer was dismissed after appearing in a video on the adult content platform OnlyFans. The video, which was filmed while the officer was in uniform, displayed a staged traffic stop leading to controversy and subsequent action from the police department.
Details of the Incident
The video, titled "Can't believe he didn't arrest me," showed the officer, whose face was not visible, approaching a woman sitting in the driver's seat of a parked car. He informed her she was speeding—65 mph in a 45 mph zone—and requested her license and registration. The interaction escalated when the officer allegedly groped the woman, concluding the video without issuing a ticket but merely letting her off with a warning.
Investigation and Consequences
The officer’s identity was discernible due to the visible Metro Nashville Police patch on his uniform, which ultimately led to his prompt suspension and termination. The incident was resolved swiftly with the officer, identified only by the surname Herman, being decommissioned and terminated within 24 hours after the video surfaced. The Metro Nashville Police Department, however, noted it remained unclear if Officer Herman was on official duty at the time of the recording.