Georgia Harrison's Battle Against Revenge Porn on OnlyFans
Georgia Harrison recently shared her distressing experience with revenge porn, specifically highlighting the challenges she faced when explicit videos were uploaded to OnlyFans by an ex-partner. Harrison's immediate response was to contact the platforms hosting the content. She pointed out significant delays in communication, noting that it took more than 24 hours to receive any response, with some platforms failing to respond altogether.
The Urgency of Removing Explicit Content
Harrison likened the trauma of image-based sexual abuse to witnessing one's house in flames, underscoring the desperation and urgency victims feel to have such content removed swiftly from the internet. The emotional toll is compounded by the slow response times of online platforms in addressing such violations.
Addressing Image-Based Abuse at Westminster
In her crusade against revenge porn, Harrison was invited to a select committee at Westminster, chaired by Caroline Nokes MP. The discussion focused on introducing reforms to enhance protections for individuals against image-based sexual abuse and to lessen the devastating impact on the lives of victims.
Challenges in Content Removal
The broader issue of revenge porn continues to pose significant problems, with many helplines and charities indicating difficulties in getting malicious content removed quickly. This inefficacy leaves many victims in prolonged distress, knowing that damaging material remains available and can be accessed globally.